The Impact of COVID-19 on the Higher Education Sector – Charbel Chedrawi

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Higher Education Sector: Challenges and Opportunities Charbel Chedrawi 1 1- Saint Joseph University of Beirut, Lebanon Corresponding Author: Charbel Chedrawi Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has provoked a sudden and disruptive shift to remote and distance learning in the Higher Education Sector. The latter encompasses many complex elements that necessitate…

COVID-19: Problems, Challenges and Business Opportunities. By Hani EL-Chaarani

COVID-19: Problems, Challenges and Business Opportunities Hani EL-Chaarani1 1-Faculty of Business, Beirut Arab University, Lebanon Corresponding Author: Hani EL-Chaarani Abstract The arrival of COVID-19 has a negative impact on social conditions and economic indicators of many developed and developing countries. SMEs and managers are suffering from the lockdown, health conditions and the difficulty of transportation.…

Global Business and Industry 4.0 in the Context of COVID-19. By Saša Petar

Global Business and Industry 4.0 in the Context of COVID-19 Saša Petar1 1-Faculty of Business, University North, Koprivnica Corresponding Author: Saša Petar Abstract  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, global business is currently facing one of the biggest challenges in its sustainability. The “new normal” provides the customers with a different quality level of products and…

The Financial Crises of 1929 and 2008: What Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Health Crisis?. By Donatien Avelé

The Financial Crises of 1929 and 2008: What Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Health Crisis? Donatien Avelé1 1- Faculty of Business, University of Moncton, Canada Corresponding Author: Donatien Avelé Abstract : Reading the history of economic and financial crises bears witness to the unprecedented and unprecedented nature of the COVID-19 pandemic. To complete our reflection,…

The Effect of Economic Development on Urbanization in Lebanon: An Empirical Study. By Hamdan et al.

The Effect of Economic Development on Urbanization in Lebanon: An Empirical Study Marwa Hamdan1, Mohamed Balouza2 1-Beirut Arab University, Lebanon 2- Lebanese Universiy, Lebanon Corresponding Author: Marwa Hamdan Abstract: The paper aims to study the evolution of urban growth in Lebanon as a developing country with respect to its economic development. Also, the dynamics of …

A Proposed Corporate Social Responsibility Model to Develop a Coherent Sustainability Commitment. By Ismail T. et al.

A Proposed Corporate Social Responsibility Model to Develop a Coherent Sustainability Commitment Tariq H. Ismail1, Mohamed Adel Elhamy2, Nayera Abdeldayem  Eltamboly3 1-Cairo University, Egypt 2-Tanta University, Egypt 3-Tanta University, Egypt, Corresponding Author : Tariq H. Ismail Abstract This study develops a proposed model based on the Analytical Hierarchical Process model (AHP) and Standard and Poor’s/…

MOU between JCR-BAES and ESAM

We are pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the group JCRBAES-IBERA and ESAM.                 Created in 1987, ESAM is a corporate finance, law and strategic management school located in Paris and Lyon. ESAM trains future executive managers and corporate financiers. Its individualized…